Saturday, 28 April 2012

Healthy Cakes!

It's a real pleasure meeting the great entrepreneurs and innovators we have across the borough. But, yesterday was  a particularly special treat. I caught up with Trisha Kelly, founder of The Healthy Cake Company, who lives in Claygate and runs her business from home.

Healthy cakes you ask - is it possible? Yes, Trisha bakes a range of healthy cakes, and her business has won awards for its innovative entry into the healthy-eating market. You can find out more on her website, and she plans to open a local shop very soon. Trisha very kindly brought along some cup cakes for me to sample - pictured below. They are absolutely delicious, and Erika and I look forward to polishing them off over the weekend!

Monday, 23 April 2012

Engaging with local Students

On Friday, I visited Hinchley Wood School - one of the new 'academies' in Elmbridge - and talked to students as part of their active citizenship program. Steve Poole (headteacher) and Nick Lang (citizenship coordinator) briefed me in advance (as pictured below).

I then spoke to a group of students from Years 9 to 11 about the role of an MP (pictured below). I asked which of the three main parts of the job - helping local people, representing the community in Westminster, passing national laws - they felt was the most important. Different students had different priorities, but the overall feedback was fascinating and useful. They were a sparky group, both curious and thoughtful. I am very grateful to the school for the opportunity to engage in this way.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Faith and Dialogue

Today, I caught up with Nabil Mustapha and Geoff Morris of the Elmbridge Multi-Faith Forum (pictured below). It is a tremendous local organisation, bringing together a range of faiths - Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Zoroastran, Baha'i, Islamic - to promote understanding and dialogue. I am very proud to have been invited to become an Honorary Member.

On a similar spiritual note, I took part in the Big Questions last week, where the show debated (amongst other issues): is God a woman? You can catch that part of the program, including my contribution, here.

Meet your MP

I am holding the latest series of my local public meetings across the constituency, so I can hear directly from residents. I normally speak for 10 minutes, setting out what I have been doing locally and explaining government policy, with the rest of the time discussing any issues that people may wish to raise.The forthcoming dates (all the meetings start at 7.30pm) are:

Thursday 19 April – Vine Hall, Vine Road, East Molesey, KT8 9LF

Thursday 26 April – St. Andrew URC Hall, Hersham Road, Walton on Thames, KT12 1LG

Thursday 10 May - St Christopher’s Church, Claygate Lane, Hinchley Wood, KT10 0AQ

Thursday 17 May - Churchgate House Centre, Downside Bridge Road, Cobham, KT11 3EJ.

I hope to see as many of you there as possible!

What next for Abu Qatada?

I have written a piece for the Daily Express today, focusing on the big picture - and what we should expect next - in the Abu Qatada saga.

You can read it here.
Sunday, 15 April 2012

Britain leading European Human Rights Reform

This week, Britain is hosting the Brighton conference, leading the way to reform the European Court of Human Rights.

Today, I have written for the Sunday Telegraph making the case for reform. You can read the piece here.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Abu Hamza to be Removed from UK

Yesterday, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the UK can extradite Abu Hamza and various other people accused of terrorist charges to the US. Strasbourg focused on a narrow point. They did not look at the evidence of the charges or why the UK was not prosecuting the offences here, but whether life imprisonment under US 'Super-Max' conditions amounted to inhuman and degrading treatment.

Contrary to various claims, Strasbourg accepted that there was no indefinite solitary confinement in the US high security prison regime, but rather varying conditions that are subject to regular review and judicial oversight. The government breathed a sigh of relief, their worst fears of yet another dubious Strasbourg ruling allayed (although it is questionable whether the case should have been heard in the first place).

As I have been arguing, the Strasbourg ruling should not detract from either (i) the need for reform of British extradition laws so we have stronger safeguards to protect the innocent, or (ii) the wider case for reform of the Strasbourg Court. I discussed the ruling on Radio 5 Live here.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Reining in Big Brother

I have written an article for today's Daily Telegraph, explaining why Ministers should get a grip on Home Office officials' plans for extending surveillance of phones, email and internet - and what safeguards would be necessary to properly protect our privacy.

You can read it here.

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