Thursday, 5 July 2012

Planning for the Olympics

I have had a number of emails and letters querying the local contingency planning for the Olympics. One line of inquiry concerned police coverage given their additional duties. I raised this directly with the Chief Constable, and received a detailed explantion of the planning that has gone into the local preparations. Part of this relates to security during the cycling events on 28 and 29 July and 1 August. Part also relates to ensuring proper cover so that we maintain local policing at the same time as dealing with these major events. For example, training and leave has been suspended for the period, to make sure operational policing levels are maintained. We will also be receiving external support from other forces.

In addition, I know some people are concerned about the impact of the local events on traffic and parking. Yesterday, I attended a meeting convened to discuss this in Whitehall, chaired by the Transport Secretary, with representatives from the department, Surrey Country Council, Surrey Police and the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. I checked a range of particular issues, for example, arrangements for non-emergency services for the elderly.

An enormous amount of work has been done, but it is vital that the information is disseminated. Surrey County Council have already done one leaflet drop, and plan another. However, for those with specific queries - on routes, traffic and parking restrictions etc - there is also a dedicated website, here, and you can also call their helpline on 0300 200 1018.


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